Immortal Scuttle (w/Guide)

by KingJaz
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The projectile launched by reloading your Cursed Howitzer explodes in a 20-unit-radius area on contact.
Hull Piercer
Reduce the Cooldown of Harpoon by 1.2-6s.
Abyss Cannon
Generate 1-5 Ammo for each enemy hit by Broadside.
Dark Bargain
Heal for 50-250 every 1s while standing near a Shortcut.
Expansive Vault
Jump height is increased for your first jump within 1-5s after exiting a Shortcut.
Sea Dogs
Increase the Healing you receive by 5-25% while at or below 50% Health.


This guide will explain why I chose each card and the value they bring to this loadout

Hull Piercer III - This card is here to give you more of an opportunity to use Dredge's harpoon. It is an important tool in his kit and can help against flankers, granted you don't miss it.

Abyss Cannon II - I put this card only at 2 so you have more opportunities to use the reloading projectile. This card is still important as it can give you an extra edge with just a little more ammo to deal that little bit more damage

Dark Bargain V - Standard in every Dredge loadout, this keeps you alive along with another card in this loadout

Expansive Vault I - Once again, standard in every Dredge loadout. You can reach high places very easily with this card and throw off your enemies. If you want put Hull Piercer down to 2 and Expansive Vault up to 2 if you feel you need it. Don't put this card higher than 2, it's a waste

Sea Dogs IV - This is how you stay alive, this card affects Dark Bargain meaning when you're at or below 50% you'll heal for 300/s.

Items -
Cauterize, It's a must for dps', Dredge Included
Nimble, Dredge has a hard time getting flanked, this will help you by making you faster. It can also help you when you're walking to your shortcuts in a tight situation
Deft Hands, A MUST. Not buying this makes Scuttle almost useless, this or Caut should be your first buy, ALWAYS.
Life Rip/Haven/Blast Shields/Illuminate; Choose either of these 4, Life Rip if you have a bad/no healer, Haven if the enemy team is targeting you and has a lot of Direct Damage characters, Blast Shields for Area, and Illuminate if the enemy team has a Skye.
