This deck consists of 2 main categories of cards. 1 side, the nade side, is made up of Guerilla Warfare and Grenadier. The other side, is survivabilty, with Scramble, Flak Jacket, and Second Wind. Let's go over the nade cards first. Guerilla Warfare literally halves the CD of nade if you are sprinting, and that's kinda busted. Grenadier is at level 4, which reduces the CD by 4 seconds for each enemy hit by it. You might be thinking, "Well why not level 5 then?". I'll tell you why. The CD of nade is 8 seconds, so if you hit 2 enemies (which really isn't too hard, especially with Shrapnel) then BAM that;s a full reset with exact change, no levels wasted. Now on to the survivability part. Scramble can give constant DR (up to 15%) which is kinda wild. And then there is a great card to have as your level 1, Second Wind. This card is 10% per level, and honestly it may be nerfed soon, possibly down to 8 or even 7. Flak Jacket is also a reliable one to have because extra health is always nice, no matter who you are. Check out my Twitch (@PIX_d3rpy) where I regularly stream Paladins, and main Viktor. But until then, stay derpy!