Infinite 40% Movement Speed Talus (In-depth Guide)

by Homebounded
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Faustian Bargain
Rune of Travel no longer automatically activates, and if the Rune is not used the Cooldown is reset.
Rune of Travel
Reduce the Cooldown of Overcharge by 0.5-2.5s.
Carry through
Hitting an enemy with Blitz Upper grants you 10-50% movement speed for 3s.
Blitz Upper
The duration of Rune of Travel is increased by 1-5s.
Rune of Travel
Move 8-40% faster while Rune of Travel is active.
Rune of Travel
Reduce the cooldown of Rune of Travel by 1-5s.
Rune of Travel


For starters, this build is as it states an infinite 50% speed build. This build is amazing for hunting down targets, but not only that it can be used to win a lot of 1v1 engagements with non-AoE based Heros. On PC, the build maybe alright and not that useful, however on a console it's godlike. With the way consoles work a lot of players have to use low sensitivity to be accurate. The trade-off with this is that turn fast enough if someones on top of you. This build exploits that to the fullest. Not only are you fast, but if you're good at strafing, and being unpredictable you can become a nightmare to almost anyone you 1v1. The only things that make this build obsolete are AoE Heros, or CC and slow abilities, i.e. Inara's totem cripple, and Jeno's grip. To fully utilize this is not using your Rune of Travel as an escape but as a movement ability. I'll explain why when I talk about the cards

Legendary Card: Faustian Bargain

This card is the foundation of the build. As I mentioned before, you should use this as a movement ability. This card allows you to do that by giving back your RoT if you don't activate it again after using it the first time. If you time it right after the RoT activation period goes away, you can use it again to replenish your speed buff and to keep your momentum. The only time I would recommend you recalling is when you are super low and know you cant escape to your healer.

Card 1: Reclamation II

This reduces the cooldown of Overcharge by 1s. It's a filler card, but it's nice to have Overcharge a little faster.

Card 2: Carry Through II

This card is nice if you mess up placing RoT in a safe location and someones found it. Hitting them with Blitz will give you a 20% movement buff to give you that edge in battle.

Card 3: Eternal I

This allows you to keep that movement buff for a second longer

Card 4: Evanescent V

This is one of two pillars that contribute the most to this build. This increases your movement speed by 40% once RoT is dropped. With this and the legendary card, you can consistently have 40% movement speed at all times.

Card 5: Transient V

Reduces the cooldown of Rune of Travel by 5s which drops Its actual cooldown to 10s.

Ingame Perks:

Blue: Haven, Blast shield, or Resilience

This all depends on your matches and who you are up against.

Yellow: Nimble

Once your RoT runs own you will notice a major decrease in speed. This could be the death of you in a 1 on 1.

Green: Kill to Heal

Since you are in the enemies backline you won't have your healer heal you most of the time, so Kill to Heal will be your best friend every game.

Red: Caut, Wrecker, or Deft Hands

You usually want to buy Caut if the enemy team has a healer, but if they have a Torvald you might want to reconsider Wrecker. Deft Hands are only bought if the enemy team has no healers or Torvald.

Trust me this build really makes fragging easy in games.
