
by savatø
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You now have 2 charges of Charge, each Charge deals an additional 100 damage, and you are Immune to Crowd Control while Charging, but the Cooldown of Charge is increased to 13s.
Fearless Leader
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 10-50% after getting an Elimination.
Heat Transfer
Reduce the Cooldown of Charge by 0.5-2.5s for every 1000 damage your Shield takes.
Increase the travel distance of Charge by 15-75%.
Running Start
Increase your Movement Speed by 10-50% for 3s after using Charge.
Unstoppable Force
Apply a Knockback of 800-1600 to enemies hit by Charge.


There is no reason to pick Formidable if you are in Ranked (unless you wanna troll), but if you wanna have some fun in casuals while not trying hard with Aegis, then this build might be nice.

So I maxed out the Elimination Card there, and it is NECESSARY for me. For those who don’t know, skills with multiple charges (Mercy Kill Nade, Tremors Wall, Totemic Grohk is the only exception) actually count as one single long cooldown. Say for the Charge it actually is a 26s ability to the system. So procing the elimination card would reduce the Charge CD by 13s, which means you get a Free Charge once you get an Elimination! And the Elim helps with the Shield and Fireball CD as well.

Heat Transfer 5 is to my liking, cause you need Charges to escape if you cannot get a kill. I have tried it at level 4 as well (put that 1 point into Charge Speed) and it worked fine, but 5 allows me to spam Charge more.

The reason I did not run as much Launch is because it doesn’t work like Makoa Spin and Zhin Whirl, which maintains the same duration despite the change in travel distance. Launch at Level 2 is a sweet spot where you cover a just-right distance but also doesn’t have as long of an animation to allow you to continue at burning the enemy. Then Running Start gives movement speed, which is always nice.

Unstoppable Force 1 is a perfect filler as it knocks people up UwU and locks them in place. Plus you get to use 10000 Charge anyways, so this is definitely worth the slot.

Note that you are an OFF tank now. So if you are actually gonna sit on the point and you do not wish to throw you better still use the conventional AF Aegis builds. But if you don’t give a single F to point and wanna chase an enemy DPS on Shattered Desert? Then this might be the build for you.
