IO 9999 IQ

by 2BA2
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Goddess' Blessing
Allies being Healed by Moonlight take 15% reduced damage.
Spirit Arrows
Reduce the Cooldown of Luna's redeploy by 0.1-0.5s after healing with Moonlight.
Increase your maximum Moonlight capacity by 8-40%.
Full Moon
Gain a 100-500-Health Shield for 3s after activating Lunar Leap.
Lunar Leap
Regenerate 2-10% Moonlight every 1s while within 30 units of Luna and not using Moonlight.
Guardian Spirit
Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 15-75% Health.
Lunar Leap


Starting ITEMS:
Armor plating 1 + nimble 1 > nimble 2 > resilience 2 (if needed) > then choose between rejuvenate or arcane warding item
*Note that arcane warding is great against ults like bomb king etc, you dying of an ult or surviving an ult is the difference between your team winning or losing the match.

This deck only has 1 weakness:
Don't play this if your team is considered a shield team for your team. If enemy team has wreker, your 400*2- 800 shield card will be useless.

Explanation of deck:
This deck uses Spirit arrows instead of Restored Faith, wich is the card that heals while healing (channel moonlight) without luna, the problem is that card requires lvl 3 because at lvl 3 you can self heal by 200.1 wich is amazing, because 200.1 is in the scale that includes .1 for the 200 to 250 wich is theory can make you survive fights with 1hp, you would know this by playing alot of her.
Luna can heal you for 300hp so this card is abit less relevant, why? because spirit arrows makes up for the movement you do, and once you are far from luna duo to position, position doesnt save you, self heal does, so moving luna back to you with the required cooldwon is better as with the other card, you can now save 1 point.

This 1 point saved to waste on other cards is rly that impactive, on this loadout, full moon lvl 4 is required because 800 shield ( double then 400 cuz of crescent card, and is must use card because it helps with positioning when hard flanked), in a team that doesn't make enemy team buy wreker is just perfect. Litrly saves you from flanks and off tanks flanking you allowing your team to have time to help you.

As for moonwalk card, is just that good, i tried the variation with lvl 1 moonwalk with lvl 5 protectors but, it has its flaws, the regen on your moonlight bar is crazy but the defect is you will suffer with downtimes where your can't heal and also, when you can, since you didn't before with less downtimes, means your teammates now has rly rly low hp, healing with downtimes is just bad.
To account for that, i currently run that card on lvl 3, th you could try running it on lvl 4 for perfect no downtimes with low hp allies, but this makes you sacrifice/lose on spirit arrows card to lvl 1.

Protectors card on lvl 4 is a must imo, lower then that and you will have issues with downtime and you won't be effectively getting the best moonlight bar regen tech benefits.

*Hidden tech for more moonlight regen:
(protectors is consistent, there's a tech noone is aware on io wich will boost your possession of moonlight.)
Tech: You don't 1 shoot and imidiatly heal an ally, because this will make your Protectors card useless/not work.
_What you should do_
-> you double shoot, only then imidiatly heal (channel moonlight)
-> you shoot only once, but you wait almost half a second before healing (channel moonlight)
keep in mind this tech requires you to be 30 units of luna

Have fun
deck for teams that have shields
It uses sacrifice instead of goddess blessing as a talent, this allows you to remove cards like Full moon and Crescent so you won't be countered by wreker and also your position to survive isn't an issue. You only need to swap those cards.
