I've got ya!

by Torvald, the Runic Sage
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Field Study
Increase the damage done by allies by 15% while they are Shielded by Protection.
Increase the Movement Speed of your Protection target by 10-50% for 2s.
Reduce the Cooldown of Protection by 0.5-2.5s.
Glyph of Freedom
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 8-40% after getting an Elimination.
Generate 100-500 Shield after using Protection.
Heal for 50-250 after using Protection.


Good evening pupils,
It's your favorite mystical magician, Torvald, and I'm here to teach ya how to properly use my technomagic.
Nothing aches these old bones like seeing my friends perish before my ever-failing eyes, so I came up with this clever contraption of harvested energy that keeps my friends close and enemies banished!
Let's begin with the basics-shield the damage (DPS) champions! Those buggers work wonders with double the health and a perky little damage boost of 15%. Not to mention, grandpa reaps the rewards with every shield cast in health/shield of my own! If your damage companions are upholding their duties, I'll be piling on the eliminations the grant me a nice cooldown reduction with each, resulting and more shields and more eliminations! It's a win-win, ya whippersnappers!

DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT PLAY ME AS A TANK. My armor may be large and intimidating, by I assure you lads and lassies, my bones are brittle and I cannot move as swiftly as I once could. Stay out of enemy lines of sight when possible, and stick closely with your DPS and know where your healing is.

Getting bothered by an in-and-out Evie/Talus/Koga/Maeve/etc?? My special Nullify ability will silence them and keep them within harms reach. Save it for the more mobile champions that may be nearing their demise.

Lastly, my ultimate. My proudest accomplishment, use it to cascade enemies away from you, the point, or even off the map! Nothing delights my dentures quite like blasting a whole time into the Abyss (say hi to Seris for me!).

Well youngins, other than butterscotch sweets that is all I have for you. Now get out there and do my bidding!
