Just a typical aggressive build for Ying

by MakeYourModelz
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If an Illusion is killed or expires, it triggers a Shatter explosion dealing 500 damage.
Spring Forward
Increase the duration of Dimensional Link by 0.7-3.5s.
Dimensional Link
Spring Bloom
When illusions die to an enemy reduce the cooldown of Illusion by 0.5-2.5s.
Heal for 13-65% of the damage dealt by Shatter.
Eliminations reduce all active cooldowns by 1-5s.
Swapping to the spot of a dead Illusion spawns an illusion with 20-100% Health.
Dimensional Link


If you're curious how to use this build or want to get better at using Ying then follow these steps:

1) Deploy an illusion none stop. Maybe stop sometimes but just keep deploying them.

2) Try to use Shatter at correct times instead of spamming it every time you see an enemy. Just try to heal from illusions or use them to gain advantages in 1v1 situations.

3) Use your ultimate for even a single teammate. Don't hold on to your ultimate for no reason just try to use it to either save yourself, save a teammate or to setup strong pushes. You can even use your ultimate straight out of the spawn to get back into action if you want.

4) Try to stay aggressive (at least with this build). Don't stay behind you team the whole game just because you're a "support unit", you can play as an attacker too if you want, just try to not be TOO aggressive.

5) Try to understand how Dimensional Link works. That's basically all I have to say about this, just try not to blink into enemy fire or the void (if you accidentally dropped you illusion OFF THE MAP).

6) Try learn Ying's combos. Now what I'm talking about combos are like Illusion + Shatter This is not that hard to remember (Probably), but try to remember this Illusion + Illusion + Shatter + Dimensional Link x 4 + Shatter + Illusion + Shatter (this combo deals 3100 damage if done correctly without counting the shots from weapon), If you use this combo you're probably going to destroy the other team (not only physically but mentally), if used right of course, but after this combo you're probably dead if someone is still alive because all of your skills are going to be on a cooldown so be careful.

Now if you're having some trouble with the long combo, just try to stick with just Illusion + Shatter get used to placement and timings and then try the long one. Just note that your not going to become a "pro" just from these tips alone, to become good with Ying it could take months, just try to stay motivated and don't give up. One more things I have to say is try to use Illusions to block shots, its a good way to evade lethal damage like Dragoz's ultimate (when you actually block his ultimate it's pretty funny because if you have good aim he's probably dead and it could also be satisfying when you save your teammate last second before he gets killed from his ultimate) or you can block damage that might kill you.

I would also recommend watching this video it might help too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-10emZma53s&t=4s
