Just keep firing...

by Arny
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Opportunity in Chaos
After firing continuously for 2s, gain 20% increased damage.
Increase Deflector Shield's Health by 200-1000.
Deflector Shield
Hidden Reserves
Every shot made in Precision Sights has a 8-40% chance to not cost ammo.
Precision Sights
Plans Within Plans
Heal for 20-100 Health per second while Deflector Shield is active.
Deflector Shield
Unchecked Ambition
Hitting a shot has a 12-60% chance to not cost ammo.
One Step Ahead
Gain 6-30% Movement Speed.


It's really not that hard. The 24% during precision sights stacks with the general 60%, and guess what? You practically never have to reload. You sit behind your shield and keep firing. 

For items, buy Cauterize. You can sit there, on the point, and keep firing. It's like how Koga was when Master Of Arms had 100% to cost no ammo. No-one can approach as you hold the point. Just max it out. The only thing that could kill you could be a shield, but then your gun should be able to shred it. If you can't take a point because their tank is shielding their team, just ult. 

Then, buy Lifesteal. You are going to want to stay alive, and it's not the best way to do so if you keep firing, and the ONLY way you can self-heal is your shield. You keep holding the point. 

From now on, whatever you buy doesn't really matter. You can keep upgrading Lifesteal, or you can buy Haven/Blast Shields for damage reduction. You can get nimble, to stack with One step Ahead II. If you want to, you can rearrange the points on the cards. Have fun!


