Khan we fix it ? Yes we Khan [Ultimate Tank Guide]

by XanthoS
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Firing Line
Champions affected by Battle Shout now also deal 20% increased damage and gain CC immunity for 4 seconds.
Never Surrender!
Reduce the cooldown of Battle Shout by 1-5s.
Receive 6-30% increased healing while your Bulwark is up.
Ready for War
Increase the recharge rate of your Bulwark by 4-20%
Vigorous Defense
Heal 10-50 health per second while your Bulwark is up.
Gain 150-750 Health.


--------------------------------------------"Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential."------------------------------------------
                                                                                                                                                                                                         _Winston Churchill.


Intro :

Yo what is up it's ya boy Prince Dan... nah it's me XanthoS coming to you for a new Guide on Paladins. This time we gonna try a loadout with Khan, the Primus of house Aico, the Roughest punch in the realm (who homerunned viktor from Ascension peak)

The loadout is going to be for a Khan that can be played as a soloTank, duoTank, with or without pocket healer, it's your go-to if you wanna be a SURVIVOR, a real frontliner in fact!


Legendary Card / Talent :

With Khan there is basically 3 talent that are viable: FIRING LINESTORM OF BULLETSVORTEX GRIP (LIAN'S SHIELD isn't that good as long as a wrecker counter it all the way + the others are better options)

  • VORTEX GRIP is good because it allows you & your team to secure a kill on low mobility targets, but the Commander's grab animation is really slow & buged, so I don't like it (indeed sometimes even if it connects it won't grab the target)
  • STORM OF BULLETS is fine because it makes you deals ton of damages, from 692 dps to 865 dps with STORM OF BULLETS, but there is an even better option :
  • FIRING LINE : this is your go-to talent, very versatile, it gives you needlessly power-ups you don't even ask for. The battle shout is already giving you a short damage immunity + 800 heals... and with this talent you & ur team gonna get CC immunity, which is very powerfull in severals situations. Moreover, you & your team gonna have 20% increased damages, which gives Khan 830 dps (yes it's close to what STORM OF BULLETS gives). So here it's for you & your WHOLE team, during 4 seconds. Best talent right now, might be nerfed in the future.


Gameplay :

You want to be the chosen one, the one who reings, the PRIMUS of house Aico ! So basically you are going to front line & punch everyone in the face to death. To do so, you have to rotate between your 2 main survivability tools : Battle Shout & Bulwark. As long as bulwark has no cooldown, you khan swap between firing & tanking more often than fernando, which allows a lot more versatilty in your gameplay, which makes Khan so fun to play :) 


  1. So start by raising your shield, then quickly lower it as you are getting damage to take advantage of Battle Shout's heal & dmg immunity, & while it's on cooldown raise your shield again.
  2. This rotation between these 2 spells gonna be enhanced with NEVER SURRENDER! V with lower the cd of BS & READY FOR WAR III which gives you shield faster recharge to raise it up more often.
  3. Then if you are getting shot you gotta raise your shield to enhance the healing received from your sweet healer (a good Mal'damba for instance, shoot out to every mal'dy main outta here ^^) thanks to HOPEGUARD V which basically gives you REJUVENATE tier 3 (30% enhanced heal received) so a free 1200 credits in your loadout :)
  4. Finally remember that Battle shout with Firing line is a classic spell that can counter ultimates, like the one of Seris, Skye, Terminus, Pip, Etc... which refresh every 10 seconds with NEVER SURRENDER! V. Yeah, you read correctly, you can counter freakin ULTIMATES every 10 seconds :D


So here it is, hope you enjoyed my lil' guide, leave a like if u did it's really encouraging spending time writing some others, & don't forget that you are the PRIMUS that reings without sharing (except with your beloved one, Lian <3)
Cya guys :)
