Cursed Accord
Decrease the Blood cost of your abilities by 35% and increase your Healing done by 15%, but reduce the damage you do by 25%.
Blood Cannon
Increase extra Blood Health by 250-1250.
Waning Moon
Reduce the Blood cost of Swarm by 5-25% while an ally is marked by Blood Hex.
Blood Hex
Sanguine Pact
Reduce the Cooldown of Blood Hex by 0.5-2.5s after activating Death Wings.
Death Wings
Symbiotic Relationship
Increase the Healing allies receive from Swarm by 4-20%.
Sheer Ascent
Increase vertical movement of Death Wings by 5-25%.
Death Wings
I know some of you might be agaisnt this, but buy chronos and nimble first. I know she has small cooldows, but they are still all cooldowns either way. This will allow you to use the sanguine pact at 3 points and instantly change marks between allies in case you messed up and marked an enemy, or when you mark an ally and they instantly die, or you marked the wrong ally. Plus if the person you marked, gets healed super fast, with that card, you can just move on to the next ally. Chronos will also help with the swarm placement because with chronos it will allow you to place them super fast. The charging of the swarm is also big reason for why I use chronos, so I can basically negate that. It helps with mobility as well, but thats not the main point.
Blood canon 5 is super usefull to keep placing swarms all the time and maintaining your hp as high as possible.
Other items that are super good for her: morale, haven, resilience. Veteran only increases your blue health btw.
Master riding should be good for maps like ice mines, but essentially, with lillith you stay alive all the time, so no need, unless you see that it is usefull for a specific game.
Little trick for swarm: switch your keybinds of the swarm to either your right click and make the mark your Q, or make the swarm also activate on "Shift".
In case you get hit by the bug of the false swarm, while holding the swarm button, just hold left click to fix the bug.
You can also cancel a swarm by using your RMB, and try to use your jump first and only then your swarm, since you cannot use the jump while channeling the swarm.
Final tips(secrets): When marking an ally, and that ally gets a kill, you get healed for 1k hp
The ultimate also cuts your jump cooldown in half, so you can move around faster, or use it to spam the slam with it.