Make Pip Great Again! [Healer DECK and GUIDE]]

by LuquiGaming
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Mega Potion
Healing Potion heals allies for 100% more.
Healing Potion
Instantly reduce Healing Potion's Cooldown by 0.6-3s for each ally hit.
Healing Potion
Refreshing Jog
Regenerate 50-250 Health every second while in Weightless.
Medicinal Excellence
Increase the Radius of your Healing Potion by 8-40%
Healing Potion
Pep in the Step
Allies hit by Healing Potion gain 10-50% movement speed for 1.5s.
Healing Potion
Shrewd Move
Eliminations reduce all active cooldowns by 8-40%


Hey! Thanks for checking out my guide! I hope you like it.
So this guide will be pretty short, I don´t have a lot of experience writing guides.
Many peaple complain about Pip not being a good healer, having the chance of using other champs, such as Seris, Furia or Maldamba. In this guide I (sort of) fix some of the common problems of Pip playing the role of healer (high CD, low chance of survival in team fights, cuz flanks can easly get behind and kill you in half a second).

Let me explain you why I chose this cards

First of all, I thought this loadout with the role of healer in mind (duh), so I didint pay attention in anything else than cards who help the team as much as possible.

MEGA POTION: An obvious choice for being a healer, do as much heal as possible.
RELOAD: This is to compensate the high CD of Pip´s healing posion, ALWAYS try to use it with 2 or more teamatees near you, so you get the lowest CD as possible, that why it´s maxed out.
REFRESHING JOG: This is for emergencies, for example, all your team died except for you, while using it heals you 100ps per second, it´s useful if all the enemy team is chasing you, you get one last hope of surviving.
MEDICINAL EXCELLENCE: This is another essential,the more radius you have, the more teammates you can heal, the more teammates you heal, the less CD you get. It´s all calculated my friend.
PEP IN THE STEP: It´s a nice touch to give your team a bit of movements speed in some tacticual situations, such as getting out of a fight or chasing an enemy. Depending on your playstyle you may increase it or not.

Cronos: Another ítem that helps even more with spamming Q, I reccomend you to maximise it firs..
Movement Speed: Not really necesary, but if you wanna be untouchable, go ahead.
And increasing the load time of the your ult is pretty important.

That´s all folks, see you next time!.
