Mother's Grace
Earthen Guard gains 20% increased Damage Reduction and now grants CC Immunity.
Earthen Guard

Increase your ammo count by 1-5

Gain 150-750 maximum Health.

Reduce the cooldown of Earthen Guard by 0.5-2.5s.
Earthen Guard

Stone Bulwark
Heal for 25-125 Health per second during Earthen Guard.
Earthen Guard

Sacred Ground
Standing in Warder's Field grants you 5-25% Damage Reduction.
Warder's Field
In my opinion Inara is the best tank for straight up holding the objective. If you play main tank with Inara this is a great deck for you.
To start, you're going to want to use Mother's Grace. This will increase damage reduction and CC immunity while Earthen Guard is active.This is very useful against champs like Ash, who has lots of knock back abilities. The main cards of this deck are Steadfast IV, Geomancer IV, and Sacred Ground III.
Steadfast IV is a great card for main tanking. With it at level 4 you will gain 600 extra health. Geomancer IV might be the most important. This will reduce the cool down of Earthen Guard by 2 seconds. Earthen Guard is Inara's most important ability. Now when you add Sacred Ground III, you get an additional 15% damage reduction. A useful strategy is to stand Warder's Field with Earthen Guard activated when taking lots of fire. This will give you a total of 65% damage reduction. You will also receive 40% increased healing.
Now to the items. With this build, you want to start with rejuvenate. You want to build up this and Haven as much as possible for increased healing and damage reduction. The other items you will want depend on the game scenario. If there is a champ like Barik with deployables, you will want bulldozer. If there are champs like Khan and Fernando, you will want Wrecker.
That is all of the information I have. I hope you find this deck useful. Go dominate!