Mother's Grace Inara

by LavenderCas
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Mother's Grace
Earthen Guard gains 20% increased Damage Reduction and now grants CC Immunity.
Earthen Guard
Sacred Ground
Standing in Warder's Field grants you 5-25% Damage Reduction.
Warder's Field
Gain 150-750 maximum Health.
Reduce the cooldown of Earthen Guard by 0.5-2.5s.
Earthen Guard
Standing Stones
Reduce the Cooldown of Warder's Field by 1-5s.
Warder's Field
Stone Bulwark
Heal for 25-125 Health per second during Earthen Guard.
Earthen Guard


1) I usually max Rejuvenate but if your team doesnt buy Cauterize maxing it first wont ruin anything
2) Mount up towards someone, with Inara you want to be right next to whoever you are fighting so you can slow them and make landing all three shots easier
3) Use your Impasse to separate enemies from their team or in dire situations look down and drop it at your feet as you run away to shield you as you retreat
4) Drop Warder's Field and stay in the circle while poking enemies
5) As soon as your Warder's Field drops or your health gets to 30% cast your Earthen Guard
6) After your Earthen Guard wears out start looking to retreat to a safe wall away from the point to let your cooldowns come back
7) Repeat 4-6 until you win the objective
8) During the push or defense you want to focus on mounting up to an immobile damage and kill them with your Warder's Field and Impasse
9) Use your Seismic Crash when you can hit 3 or more and have teammates to back you up, good for retaking control of a point that you are starting to lose.
