Never Say Die

by GenghisDon
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Your reload projectile now explodes in an area of effect
Hangman's Ire
Dropping to or below 50% HP grants a 150-750hp Shield for 3s.
Plank Walker
Heal for 100-500 Health when traveling through a Short Cut.
Short Cut
Dark Bargain
Standing near a Short Cut Heals you for 50-250 health every 1s
Short Cut
Heave Away
Broadside increases your reload speed by 8-40% for 5s
Spy Glass
Enemies Within 10-50ft of Broadside's projectiles are revealed.


This build is mostly meant for TDM on Abyss.
Things to buy:
1st: Life Rip. - 20% - 20% of 850 is 170 per shot. Not too shabby. Don't know if Broadside counts towards this or not, but that's just an added bonus if it does.
2nd: Deft Hands. - 40% - with this you become a total monster
3rd: whatever the match requires

How to play. Get close to the fight and drop a short cut. Then find a perch where you can drop shots or broadsides and drop your second shortcut. practice this so you put the shortcut out of your normal strafe path but close enough to be able to hang near it when needed for Dark Bargain to kick in.
Now just drop Broadsides waiting for Spy Glass to find somebody. If you can get a team stuck in a tunnel you can rack up kills fast.

What about all those Flanks?? No problem with Life Rip 20% and Hangman's Ire giving you a 750 shield, you should be able to drop a 1900 HP Koga with your basic shots and reload shots before he crushes you and should you get into trouble, just Shortcut out of there and live to fight another day.

What about tanks??? You can take them down, but they are you're worst enemy if you get caught with only a few rounds in you gun and they get up close. Worse yet is when they have a flank hiding behind them. I would shoot these guys while trying to find the escape Short Cut and just get out of there.

I didn't find this to work as well in objective games where people are tanking the obj while flanking the healers and Dredge. It can still hold it's own but not as well as it does in TDM.

Hope this helps some Dredge players looking for help building a useful loadout.
