Offensive Fernando Max Damage

by GalletaGrande
OB67 4844 views
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Fireball deals 30% more damage and 30% more for each subsequent target hit.
Fireball reduces healing by 15-75% for 3s.
Reduce the Cooldown of Fireball by 10-50%
Reduce the overheat cost of firing your flame lance by 15-75%
Immovable Object
Gain 10-50% Crowd Control Reduction.
Last Stand
While Shield is active and you are below 50% Health, you heal 100-500 Health each second until you reach 50% Health.


Fireball is this build's go-to move. It is the best move Fernando has besides his shield. Alongside another more durable frontliner, you will be able to hold and defend the point, protect your squishy support and damage, and do severe damage to your opponent's backline. In order to fully utilize your skills it is of the utmost importance that you play aggressively, but do not forget that the point of the game is to hold and push the point.

Cauterize is a must have in OB67 due to the absurd healing of Seris with The Void Abides. Although your fireball will from the start of the game essentially have Cauterize level 2 it allows you to bully the tanks on point by denying them the heals they need even if you miss a few fireballs.

Rejuvenate is a conservative pick for your healing card. If you are unsure of your team or you feel like there is a lot of damage in the opposing composition then it is a strong pick. On the other hand if the other team is full of lots of slow big targets, such as Ash and Inara, or have a dual flank composition then Kill To Heal can be invaluable as you are sure to be involved in almost every kill on your team with the spread of the flamethrower and the pierce of Fireball.

The defense card is dependent on the opposing team composition. Often times you will want to grab Haven as you get into the mid-game to help out with the inevitable usage of Cauterize on the other team. Certain maps and opponents will require Resilience or else you will be stun-locked or knocked off the map constantly. Obviously, if the other team has two or more area of effect damage champions it will be more helpful to grab Blast Shields over Haven. Illuminate is next to useless on Fernando as his primary attack will reveal affected enemies due to the damage over time effect.

The utility card is a bit of a toss-up and really depends on a few factors. If you are excellent at using your ult to save close to death teammates or yourself Morale Boost may prove extremely effective. Nimble can spell the death of anyone that dares try to run from your flames if you are currently dominating the point. Personally, I have not experimented with Master Riding or Chronos though their effects seem quite lackluster compared to Nimble and Morale Boost.
