Olde Skool Grohk

by SuccMyNutt
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Totemic Ward
Allies healed by Healing Totem receive CC Immunity for 2s and Healing Totem heals for 40% more.
Healing Totem
Shamanic Might
Increase your base maximum Health by 100-500.
Increase the Duration of Healing Totem by 0.6-3s.
Healing Totem
Ghost Walk lowers the cooldown of Healing totem by 1-5s when Activated.
Ghost Walk
Monolith Totem
Increase the Health of Healing Totem by 250-1250.
Healing Totem
Increase the area of Healing Totem by 10-50%
Healing Totem


My play style for this deck is usually to pocket frontlines and assist in dealing constant damage on the objective as well as healing. This is pretty much a deck for being a healer/tank hybrid.

For talents there is two that I go for depending on what we're up against. I usually go for Totemic Ward to get quick healing and/or deal with a lot of CC. I may go for Spirit's Domain to increase survivability for myself and teammates which is usually good if we're up against a lot of damage dealers.

I usually stick close behind my frontlines and assist in laying down damage. This is pretty much where I have the health increase card for survivability when fighting near/on the objective. This is to compensate for Grohk's low damage and speed.

Increasing the totem duration does play an important role in providing convenient source of healing for a longer time which means prolonged sustainability for you and your allies.

When in doubt, ghost walk does tend to be a good abilty to grant complete invulnerability for yourself which is good for allowing the user to retreat behind cover. Couple this with the Gale III card to lower the CD of your Healing totem or shave off the last few seconds if you need it sooner.

With the duration of the Totem increased you'll have it up for long time but it is still susceptible to being destroyed. The Monolith Totem II card will allow your healing totem to take more punishment.

Finally for the Outreach card. This will increase the totems range so you and your allies have a larger space to move around while inside of your healing totem.

As for items to purchase, Chronos is usually a must-have for any supports in the game. I would focus on getting Chronos 2 which should be enough keep CD's down especially for healing totem.

Next item afterwards is Cauterize to be able to keep up with damage when there is a lot healing involved in the enemy team. Focusing on getting Cauterize 2 or even 3 is usually a must after Chronos 2. Red items other than cauterize isn't something you're going benefit from so I would ignore those.

For anyone, defensive items are situational so it depends on which damage source is focusing you down the most. I wouldn't have any incentive of taking resilience if I have Totemic Ward unless there is a lot of CC involved. As for illuminate, it really isn't your job to hunt down stealth champions unless skye or Sha lin is constantly focusing you at close range then by all means but maxing haven is usually a better option combined with high health.

As for sustainability items, I would choose these last since Grohk will have survivability and healing involved but I would recommend going for life rip. Heal on kill could be an option if you can keep scoring assists but this isn't always convenient. Rejuvinate isn't a wise option since this does not increase healing from your own abilities and that you'll be healing yourself a lot anyways. As for Veteran, why get it?

This is it for the Olde Skool guide and that being said. Enjoy.
