People are (still) not welcome on my point!

by Duck
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Treacherous Ground
Warder's Field has a 50% increased radius and now cripples.
Warder's Field
Sacred Ground
Standing in Warder's Field grants you 5-25% Damage Reduction.
Warder's Field
Rolling Stones
Getting an elimination reduces all active cooldowns by 8-40%
Stone Bulwark
Heal for 25-125 Health per second during Earthen Guard.
Earthen Guard
Gain 150-750 maximum Health.
Standing Stones
Reduce the Cooldown of Warder's Field by 1-5s.
Warder's Field


This still is my actual Inara loadout.
With this I tried to fix Inara main problem: her CDs. I know, Inara does little damages, but if you can "secure" at least one kill at the time, you'll never be defenseless thanks to Rolling Stones. You can also drop it to 3 (or 2) and raise Stone Bulwark or Standing Stones.
I prefer Stone Bulwark III over Caretaker IV. Caretaker can heal 20hp/sec x lvl when you are inside the circle. Stone Bulwark can self-heal you a little more (25hp/sec x lvl) and you are "free". Plus, you are supposed to use Warder's Field for capturing or attacking and Earthen Guard mainly to defending yourself and get the 40% bonus healing.

Skill rotation? Pretty easy, try to use one skill at time. Sacred Ground V will help you to get less damages as all other skills. The only moment when you have to activate Warder's Field and Earthen Guard together is when your Impasse (the wall) ends and there are 3-4 fat guys shoting you. Mainly you want to use Impasse to 1) block enemy fire, 2) stop enemy escaping. Using Warder's Field on the point allows you to block everyone inside it (it will become very annoying in the long run).

Items? Haven and/or Blast Shield + Rejuvenate mainly. You may think about Chronos if you love the skill-spam or Resilience against heavy cc enemies. I don't think Master Riding is useful, you will always reach the point somehow - even if their tank is already there before you -.

1) With this Legendary no one can dash or jump away (or on you) when Warder's Field is up - "Hello Makoa, Barik, Ashe, Khan, Lex, Maeve, Androxus. How are you today?"
2) With Haven 3 you'll have 21% less direct damages. Plus 30% for Earthen Guard = 51% less. Plus 25% of Warder's Field (with the card) = 76% less direct damages.
-Are you thinking about "Mother's Grace" legendary for have 96% of damage reductions? Ok. Nice idea. But I think you need Treacherous Ground legendary way more to stop everyone gets closer to you and help your teammates to kill them when they can't run away.-
3) With a good healer and a bit of skill-care, you can't insta-die (except with Drogoz or Moji ults).

Weak points:
1) You NEED a non-Jenos healer (sadly Cauterize kills Jenos heals/sec).
2) WARNING: If you want to activate all skills in same time you need to be in a huge danger and you want to save your @$$. If you activate all for "nothing", you'll be defenseless for like 6 seconds. That's a lot! Be always careful about your CDs.
3) Only 5 shots (x3 = 15 stones). You may consider switch Standing Stones card for Insurmountable (1 more shot), but eh.. I mean, you are not supposed to do huge damages, that's not your role! Mainly you just need to "secure" the eliminations (for Rolling Stones's CDR). But if you need more damages just tell your Dps/Flank to shoot more!
