Professional Flanknando Deck

by IMGaming
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Fireball deals 30% more damage and 30% more for each subsequent target hit.
Reduce the Cooldown of Fireball by 10-50%
Increase the distance of Charge by 12-60%
Hot Pursuit
Hitting an enemy with fireball increases your movement speed by 10-50% for 2s.
Heat Transfer
Every 1000 Damage your shield takes reduces the cooldown of Charge by 0.5-2.5s.
Fearless Leader
Eliminations reduce all active cooldowns by 10-50%


This deck is for people who want to play Fernando as a Flank Champion.

Incinerate: it must be a level 5 because this is where all your damage and most kills come from you as a flanker

Launch: when going to push for a flank or follow a kill , this will make your charge much further and will catch up to your victim easier , you can change the level
dependent on the map size , ex. timber mill , get level 3-5 , frog isle , get level 1-3.

Hot Pursuit: Most important flanknando card , this is you antinando -slow you get when you use left-mouse-button, if you don't know , fernando slows the speed when he shoots , this cards get him to gain speed , and will have him much faster when shooting , following kills will be much easier too.

Heat Transfer: Your booking ticket out of bad situations , if you use charge a lot for flank , you must have this card because its the retreating or even pushing card, if you dont use charge for flank , and only use it for running away , no need for this card.

Fearless Leader: My favorite card in the game , this is the best flanknando card because it resets everything , the charge will be back quicker , the fireballs are like hacks , more shields. i do recommend having this card as high as possible , depending on your cards, if the types of enemies the one who doesn't die often , don't get a high level for this card , believe me , it will be useless most the time.

How to play him? , just sneak like a ninja behind enemys , get them lined up , then shoot fireball firstly , then shoot them with lance until the fireball cooldown is finished, shoot them again , then they will be dead , if they run , use charge, if there damage is too good , or too mucch damage , charge to a safe area , then shield if needed.

Note , You could use the brand card , but cauterize is better , and if they have a good healer or 2 healers , get cauterize 3 as soon as possible.
Hope that helps you. :)
