Profissional Ash

by IMGaming
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Fortress Breaker
Siege Shield moves 80% slower, has 3000 more Health, and is 50% larger.
Siege Shield
Increase the knockback distance of Kinetic Burst by 8-40%
Kinetic Burst
Siege Engine
Reduce the cooldown of Siege Shield by 1-5s for hitting an enemy with Kinetic Burst.
Kinetic Burst
War Machine
Eliminations reduce all cooldowns by 10-50%
Heavy Metal
Increase your base maximum Health by 150-750.
Increase the duration of Siege Shield by 0.5-2.5s.
Siege Shield


Mainly For Hard Core Point Capturing. +200 obj time a game
use kinetic burst to Knock other tanks of your point , use it also to get them of a safe position
Use dash as the main escape ability you can use to run on the point in the last second.
Use shield to suck most of the enemies damage, use it also when you don't have dash and your low , but try mostly us it t suck the damage.
you can also use the shield to start pushing corners or the cart , try to position in a spot were your team mate wont get shot.
Use your ultimate when you are alone, not when you are low , if you are alone , try to use your ult as fast as possible. Try to use it when the point is almost caped or the cart is close to be caped. always save it for the last point.
Items , Resistants if they have so much CC like Mal , Bombking , other ash, torvold , most healers, haven and blast when they have so much damage like drogoz , bk , vivan , tyra , victor , lian, cassie , maeve.
Master Riding for rushing the point after death, possibly chronos if you are not dieing a lot.
Rejuvinate if there is a healer on your team , Veteran if there is no healer.
Cauturize if they have a healer or flanks. i dont recommend wrecker or deft hands at all , buldozer if enemys have ton of deployables like ying , grohk , barik , vivian , inara.
