Pure healer

by AeonQuasar
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Life Exchange
Shatters now instantly heals your target for 800 health but no longer explodes Illusions, and the cooldown is increased by 1s.
Reduce the cooldown of Shatter by 0.5-2.5s.
Carry On
Your Illusions last 1-5s longer.
Eliminations reduce all active cooldowns by 1-5s.
Spring Bloom
When illusions die to an enemy reduce the cooldown of Illusion by 0.5-2.5s.
Increase the Health of Illusions by 100-500.


Brittle: this is utilizing the legenday card perfectly. Max it.
Carry on: As the normal CD on Illusions are 5 sec, and every Illusions last 8 sec without buffs, and you can only have 2 illusions out at the same time. 2 points in this will max the effect. You should always make new clones when you can.
Encouragement: This is tricky. 1, 2 or 3 points. It depends. Are you playing against a squishy or bulky team? You will recive a lot of eliminations so it might be worth it so you can spam brittle faster. Depend on your playstyle and skills of you and your team really.
Sping bloom: the illusions will get focused, have this so if they die fast you have a new one ready.
Squadron: This will make your illusion more bulky. Good for letting them spending more time killing them.

Morale boost is a solid pick. You should try to spam ultimates as often as possible. Especially during the start of each round when you meet your enemies. Having this at max allows you to use it twice in each round and still have it ready for the start of next round.

Wrecker. As you have little else to do beside healing you might want to destroy those shields. This is situational, but Ying does do a lot of damage when she hit with every shot, hitting shield is easy work and you will remove some cover fast with this. Bulldozer is also a solid pick, but even more situational. Depens who you play against and how the game goes.

Decent picks
Chronos. Reliable and helps you heal more often. I pick this often if I don't see more benefits picking wrecker or bulldozer.
Nimble. Makes you harder to kill and faster to get into the action. Don't even need to max it for big benefits.

Very situational picks
Haven, Resillience, Blast shield.
I only pick one of this if there is a majority with either direct damage or splash damage and you are being targeted too often and your team is not good at defending you. Resilience is perfect when they have majority of stuns or slows. But again insane rare pick.

Playing Ying.
Follow your main tank. Always have a clone next to the tank, and one in a area where your more ranged damage dealer stands. Use Shatter to heal the one below 70% health and try to get in some damage when you Shatter and Illusions are on CD.
Teleport away if you are engaged, but don't be afraid to teleport back if the place you teleported to is in danger as well. Many leave a Ying clone if you escape and forget if you are back. The teleportation (dimensional link) is one of the key escape tools you have, but also a great way to set up a new clone even further away. Mastering this ability is key to be a fantastic Ying player from a good one.
Use ultimate in every teamfight if you can. Don't save it untill everyone is low on health, as they might die before the heal arrives.

Ying is today (04.02.2019) the strongest healer imo. She is easy to learn, but hard to really master. Having clones/illusions up at all time is simple enough, they do their work. Using Shatter require accuracy, but you get the hang of it fast, dimensional link is important to learn and practice makes perfect. I have still much to learn here myself. Ultimate is to be used as often as possible. Many guides tells you basically the same set up with a few adjustment. As long as you have the legendary card, high britlle CD you should be fine.
