Return of the Rock Waifu!

by FreakinFuzz
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Mother's Grace
Earthen Guard gains 20% increased Damage Reduction and now grants CC Immunity.
Earthen Guard
Reduce the cooldown of Earthen Guard by 0.5-2.5s.
Earthen Guard
Sacred Ground
Standing in Warder's Field grants you 5-25% Damage Reduction.
Warder's Field
Stone Bulwark
Heal for 25-125 Health per second during Earthen Guard.
Earthen Guard
Gain 150-750 maximum Health.
Rolling Stones
Getting an elimination reduces all active cooldowns by 8-40%



Card & Talent Choices


  • Mothers Grace: Can't go wrong with this card. This build relys heavily on Earthen Guard and making sure you have it as soon as possible. The added CC reduction really helps when facing "Burn, Monster!" Tyras and any other slowing effects. (This is the card I prefer to use 90% of the time)
  • Treacherous Ground: This is a great card if the other team has a flank that your healer might have issues dealing with. Increased radius helps the healer not have to get too close while the Cripple helps slow anyone trying to flank or push up to far. Giving your healer time to run and DPS time to damage makes this talent VERY useful if used vs the right team.

Deck & Points

  • Geomancer(4): Earthen Guard is the bread and butter of this build. You want to have it off CD as often as possible to reduce damage and help your healer heal. 
  • Sacred Ground(4): This is another staple card for making sure you are as tanky as possible. Granting you an extra 20% damage reduction when using Warder's Fieldd is a no brainer.
  • Stone Bulwark(3): Since we're trying to use Earthen Guard on CD this little heal boost really helps. I sometimes find myself switching in an extra point into this. Its up to you.
  • Steadfast(3): Extra health is nice?
  • Rolling Stones(1): This card is nice to have but can be switch out for pretty much anything. 

