This build will keep you dealing heavy damage, while healing yourself.
It is the best build you would ever use when you don't have a team ( which happens most of the time in paladins let's be honest ) With Never surrender you spamm that Q and with Bloodthirst you will keep getting that lifesteal thx to the dmg with your pistol. With Lifetaker you will be reseting your skills while doing some eleminations :).
You can Go with Heaven/ Blast shot , to incrase survivability while lifestealing and healing with Q
Then with Lifesteal or kill to heal whichever you feel like you want most.
After that you can either spam ult with Morale boost if you want to, or take whatever else you want, resilence would be a good option so you can be unstopable.
Then the last itme, you take whatever you want and need most ( situational )