Self sustained snowball

by Anonymous
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Master of Arms
Successful Hits with your Submachine Guns have a 50% chance to cost no ammo.
Trigger Happy
While firing SMGs increase healing received by 10-50%
Wind's Embrace
Heal 20-100 Health per second while Agility is active.
Gain 4-20 Ammo per second while Agility is active.
Harsh Training
Increase your maximum Health by 50-250.
Something to Prove
Falling below 50% health grants 10-50% energy.


With this load out due to the extremely strong self sustain brought on by the combo of trigger happy and winds embrace 1v1 should be of little problem although using shadow step is very situational and usually for out playing an enemy flank hence the 1 point in something to prove because your sustained dps and self healing is usually enough to get essentially 4 bars in a 1v1 while having the freedom of spamming agility of managed properly now due to master of arms nerf it is generally considered a bad talent because of its rng thing however in a 35 shot clip (35 because he shoots two bullets from both guns at the same time) it’s not like dambas new gourd where you entire healing potential is based on a one 50/50 shot you have 35 opportunities for it to proc and even if it doesn’t wanted at 3 is nearly enough to keep you firing for most of agility’s duration if you miss everything of course while hitting shots you can have nearly four bars of agility and constantly receiving rejuv 5 heals from any source this means that as long as you don’t blow all your resource using agility before it’s duration ends you have nearly 16 seconds of up time to five ish of down time as a flank because with this even if you can’t flank because of the enemy’s positioning you can lay dps into the frontlines and constantly find value instead of being like an andro or talus who can dive and do massive amounts of dps like you can but you have never ending healing and a 0 cooldown escape that means while you may not confirm kills as easy as the other flanks your always of use while some can only be of use in one moment out of like 10.
