Sniper Pistol/Scope anti Flanker High Damage Deck

by Ralice
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Crack Shot
Your Side Arm deals 20% more damage to targets that you have hit with your Talon Rifle within the last 4s.
Infused Crystals
Increase the ammo count of both of your weapons by 2-10.
Guerilla Tactics
Eliminations grant 15-75 Stealth Resource.
White Knuckle
Reduce Side Arm recoil by 6-30%
Swapping to your Pistol grants 10-50% Lifesteal for 3s.
Quick Switch
Reduce the time to swap to your Side Arm by 20-100%
Quick Switch


Crack Shot: use mostly to kill tanks that come to close to you or to kill flankers that try to attack you if you are not an aggressive play style you can change to Nocturnal
Infused Crystals: if you what you can make infused crystal on 3 but is not that big of a difference Infused Crystal is very useful if you do any deck is good to have at least 1 and max 2 mostly you want that for your pistol and is a good combo with the Crack Shot
Guerilla Tactics: If you kill someone you mostly want to run out of there so Guerila Tactics help if you want or if you use often stealth you can lv 5 but i don't use stealth that often
White Knuckle: ok so you always have 0 precision with your little pistol who do more damage then Jenos and Inara combined then white knuckle is useful for you if you want you can have this thing on lv 5 but for real if you always have problems with flankers this thing can be useful
Bushwhack : now in my opinion I always have problems when I switch to my pistol most of the time I am a already dead so Bushwhack can help [and I hate to buy Life Rip
Dexterous : i can't say more then what the card already says

This thing is very useful so you need to read this
When you start the game mostly you want to buy Deft Hands (Increase your Reload Speed by 20%) cost 250 and max this out as fast as you can then buy Kill to Heal (Getting a kill or elimination heals you for 300 Health) cost 200 and max this thing as well Optional Master Riding (Increase your Mount Speed by 15%.) cost 300 the last one can be Blast Shields or Haven or Cauterize or Nimble this is more about how the game is going
Skye Game
you should buy Illuminate (Increase the range at which you see nearby stealthed targets by 20 units) as fast as possible
Tank Game
if the enemy team have a lot of tanks you should buy Wrecker (Your weapon attacks deal 75% increased Damage to Shields)
