Speedy Skye
For the most part the first 3 cards are MANDATORY to make the dedck run. You have 2 cards and 2 extra points to mess around with
Poisoner at 5 gives us Poison Bolts on a little less then a 3 second cool down. Giving us the opertunity to spam it as a poke from a distance or force CDs on targets we want to go for. Chronos doesn't really give us much more of a reduction on this so unless you really want to go for the extra second, pass on it.
Victory Rush is what this deck is built around, This card can help us snowball and really change the tide of the match for everyone. One kill and we are zooming around target to target cleraning up after our team. It is also a great out if you get a kill and need to back off and heal, reset, and scout your next target. This is a must at 5.
Decrepify is a great card to run at 1-3. If you are very good with your shots you can get away with running this at 1. As our Poison Bolts are on a low CD we should be able to kill a target very quicky with the unlimited ammo proc of this card at .6 seconds. If you need the extra time to kill its a safe bet to toss a few more points into this card
Emergency Exit Is a personal choice for me. This card has saved me plenty of times and I like to run this is all of my skyes decks.
Cloak is another personal choice card. I like having the option to scout a little longer or have Emergency Exit last a little longer when im trying to escape.
Check out the video for some clips of the build in action!