Stealthy and Deadly

by Ericlegacy
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Surprise Attack
Deal 500 bonus damage on your first Weapon Shot out of Hidden.
Hidden lasts 1-5s longer.
Nimble Fingers
Activating Poison Bolts increases reload speed by 10-50% for 5s.
Poison Bolts
Gain 8-40% additional Movement Speed during Hidden.
Shadow Affinity
Reduce the cooldown of Hidden by 1-5s.
Victory Rush
Gain 15-75% Movement Speed for 12s after getting a kill.


This build for Skye will allow you to stealth and kill with ease.

Taking Nimble Fingers to level 5 allows you to reload at exceptionally fast speeds without almost any downtime.
The Talent, Surprise Attack, is the main focus of this build to attack enemies doing 500 damage right away out of combat. Helps you to finish off enemies on the run, with Skye on the prowl.
Cloak and Ninja go hand and hand with Surprise attack to increase the effectiveness of hunting down your prey.
Victory Rush with 30% will allow you to move at a faster speed after getting a kill, allowing you to sync up Hidden and Ninja and move around the map in seconds.

1. Use Hidden and take advantage of Surprise Attack
2. If you're being attacked and Hidden isn't available, use Smoke Screen to disappear and go around your attackers or to give yourself a small window of escape.
3. Always use Poison Bolts on the start of your attack to allow Nimble Fingers to work effectively.
4. Rinse and Repeat
.....Ummmm Times Ticking.....

If you choose to do so, you can change out Nimble Fingers for Dissipate if you want extra movement speed to stealth around enemies. In turn, I advise getting the item Deft Hands when you're in battle to make up for the long reload periods.
