
by RoboTiger
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Mana Rift
Remaining still for 1s creates a Mana Rift around you that generates Mana every 1s. Leaving the Mana Rift destroys it.
Mana Rift
Draconic Will
Elemental Shift reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb and Inferno Cannon by 0.6-3s.
Elemental Shift
Reduce the Cooldown of Elemental Shift by 1-5s.
Elemental Shift
Heat Sink
Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 0.8-4s.
Cooling Runes
Dealing damage with Frost Bolt reduces the Cooldown of Inferno Cannon by 0.5-2.5s.
Frost Bolt
Elemental Shift reduces the Cooldown of Frostfire Glide by 0.6-3s.
Elemental Shift


This deck allows you to have the best of both worlds, why settle for the icy shards or the "hold to increase damage" fireball when you can have a fire laser and a rock of ice as well, on command.

Your Elemental Shift will be your main component here as it reduces the cool down of the Pyreball and the Frost Bolt for 3s a time. It takes 1s to reset because of Affinity V.......
Heat sink and Cooling Runes add to the effect.
Discipline is kind off extra, but I like it. And it gets its cool down reduced on the go as well.

Example: Group of 3 enemies: Ice shards + Frost Bolt (-1s for Pyreball) → Elemental Shift (-3s for Pyreball and Frost Bolt) → Fireballs + Pyreball (-1.6s for Frost Bolt) → Elemental Shift (-3s for Pyreball and Frost Bolt) → Ice shards + Frost Bolt (-1s for Pyreball)

Get the picture?
If you don't even count the time in between the actions your 20s cool down of Pyreball or Frost Bolt, after it just started ticking down, only takes 12.4s for Frost Bolt and 13s for Pyreball
