Talus build for everyone

by Cosmic Dog.
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Inner Strength
Reset the Cooldown of Overcharge and Blitz Upper when you Teleport using Rune of Travel.
Rune of Travel
Increase your Movement Speed by 8-40% while Rune of Travel is active.
Rune of Travel
Increase your maximum Health by 50-250
Reduce the cooldown of Rune of Travel by 1-5s.
Rune of Travel
Relic Affinity
Increase the Knockback of Blitz Upper by 15-75%
Blitz Upper
Heal for 100-500 after Teleporting to your Rune of Travel.
Rune of Travel


Just please don't Always use blitz upper for movement its also useful for finishing off low HP targets or punching away targets you can't kill cause your overcharge is down. You can use it for movement that's fine but I don't understand why people never use it when there enemies are so low that it can win them the fight. Also you can save your ultimate for the start of the next match to dismount the enemy team. But you get more value and more ultimat's in general if you use it like this:
1 Place teleport
2 find enemy and active overcharge
3 if low teleport back
4 use ult to kill them since you got them low enough.
Don't use the above ultimate instructions if you know there healer is there with them cause you'll be stuck without a teleport and give them free ultimate charge. Use it to secure kills you KNOW you can get. Also get Cauterize and life-rip. Resilience if they have ANY form of stun or cripple cause you can't teleport back on command.
