Tank Shredder Skye

by Toxic Nightshade
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Poison Bolts now deals 30% more damage, twice as fast.
Poison Bolts reduce healing by 15-75% for 3s.
Poison Bolts
Hidden lasts 1-5s longer.
Quick Smoker
Reduce the cooldown of Smoke Screen by 1-5s.
Smoke Screen
Shadow Affinity
Reduce the cooldown of Hidden by 1-5s.
Healing Vapors
Grants 100-500 Health over 4s when entering Smoke Screen.
Smoke Screen


Objective: Assist your team in murdering the Frontlines.

Meathod: Poisoning the Tanks.

Card Choice Explination:

  • Debilitate: Helps burst down high HP champions faster.
  • Decrepify: Strong Anti-Heals from the start. Not as strong as Caut 3 but Teammates should get that and you can get other items. (Ie. Wrecker if enemy has Torv bubbles)
  • Cloak: Just a filler card to be honest. I just like the extra duration on my hidden. Could be swapped out if you would rather have something else.
  • Quick Smoker: Pairs well with the final card.
  • Shadow Affinity: Also a Filler. I don't use Smoke screen as invis for my movment. Having Hidden up sooner is nice. Can be swapped out.
  • Healing Vapors: Decent sustain thanks to max level and more often Smoke Screens thanks to Quick Smoker.

Play Style:

     You are still a flank champion, even if you tank on more of a damage role. Use Hidden to engage and come from the side or behind. If you come in from behind try taking out the enemy's Damage Champions first. They are often squishy that your primary fire hsould let you burst them down quickly after landing poison bolts. You dont need to worry about healers since their healing will be signifigantly reduced after landing Poison Bolts and your target will not have items to built up to deal with you. After dealing with the Damage Champions ignore the healer and assist your team on the point with the Frontlines. Poison one and burst them down. If there are multiple Frontlines, pick what ever one is the lowest as the Support will likely try to save him/her. Save the support for last as after the tanks are dead there will be no one to save the support. Remember to use your Smoke Bomb on your self when the enemies start shooting you since its not a burst heal but a heal over time instead.

     If you choose to attack from the side instead of from behind, start off with poisoning a frontline and trying to burst them down as quickly as you can. You should probably use your Smoke Bomb early. Throw it at the tank you are trying to kill and shoot them from as up close to ensure you hit as many shots as possible. The reason you want to thow your smoke bomb early is so you can stay in it and not be seen from the hostiles's Damage Champions who can easily burst you down if your not careful since people out side the Smoke Bomb can't see anyone Inside. Once the Tanks are dead clean up the Damage with Poison Bolts stopping the healers from saving them and kill the healers last.

Item Choices:

  1. Defence: Haven/Blast Shields/Resilieance - Depends on what is the most threatening to you. Usulally not an early pick up
  2. Utility: Moral Boost/Nimble - Both strong options. Good begining pick ups
  3. Healing: Kill to Heal/Life Rip - options for a burst Heal after kill or extra sustain during fights. You should be in combat 70-90% of the time and healers probably have other people to heal. Good begining pick up.
  4. Offence: Wrecker/Deft Hands - normally you would ignore this tier, howerver if the enemy has torv or ruckus, wrecker will help against the personal barriers. Deft hands only if everything else is Maxed out, somehow.
