Snack Attack
Players you kill drop a pick up that heals you for 680-1040 when picked up.

Heal for 20-200 health per second while Magic Barrier is active.
Magic Barrier

Using Scamper heals you for 50-500 health over its duration.

Reduce the cooldown of Scamper by 0.25-2.5s.

Gain 25-250 Health.

Reduce the cooldown of Magic Barrier by 0.25-2.5s.
Magic Barrier
Moji was just released and almost immediatly I fell in love with this killer bunny, this is my main deck I use for every situation depending on what your team needs as detailed below:
Flanker: if your team needs a flanker make sure to grab the yummy legendary and sneak around, scamper doesnt offer much in terms of vertical mobility but its fast and has a long reach so you can easily sneak up behind enemy lines, always stay near your team however, Moji doesnt have much health so dont try to take on more than one enemy at the time unless they are distracted and or weak. blue: situational, Yellow: Morale boost; the faster we fill our ult the faster we can one shot, tanks, green: Kill to heal; trust me you'll be geting tons of elims, Red: Caut or wrecker
Healer: When your intelligent teammates didnt grab a healer theres no problem either just grab Toot legendary and stay next to your tank spamming scamper as soon as it comes off cooldown, you'll heal almost as much if not more than other healers. Blue: situational, Yellow: Chronos; we'll need it to spam our scamper, Green: Kill to heal, Red: Caut or wreck
Tank: First off she is not a tank so dont think you wont be slaughtered if you arent careful, her shield can save us from almost every situation except a jenos ult, and we need a lot of self sustain so grab The snack Legendary and shoot like mad, quickly using scamper to nab those healthpacks dropped by enemies. Blue: Situational, Yellow: chronos cuz we need that shield spam, Green: Rejuv if you have a healer, Kill to heal otherwise, Red: Situational.
Damage: Grab ahold of the Boom Boom legendary and prepare to melt faces with hard AoE explosions, use your shield when under attack to pup those stars on the enemies and make them go boom afterwards, stay near your team however as you're still a squishy flank. Blue: situational, yellow: chronos cuz we really need that shield spam, Green: Kill to heal, Red: situational