Assuming that the End Times mode even works for you, then You're going to need to be prepared. The map is filled with choke points and many sniper sightlines. Half the time, you'll be counter-sniping against other Kinessas. You'll need to know how to remain calm, and hit your very broken shots. (See any sniper montage for TF2. She's close.) Using these cards, you can easily get an edge.
Now for a guide to using it.
Throw your surpressors at the point. Hang back, having at least the point in view. Aim for fully charged headshots. Don't be afraid to teleport away. Slow and steady gets play of the game. Find all of the vantage points, and use them. And whatever you do, ALWAYS counter-snipe. Because No one else will.
Keep your sights steady and your triggers cold.
- CreeperBen