The Sniping Bomb King

by oLambo
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Increase Frag Grenade’s AoE by 40% and deal 200 more damage.
Frag Grenade
For every enemy player hit by Frag Grenade, reduce its cooldown by 1-5s.
Frag Grenade
Fire in the Hole
Hitting an enemy with Grenade generates 6-30 ammo.
Frag Grenade
Reduces recoil by 20-100% while in Iron Sights.
Iron Sights
Speed Load
Kills and eliminations refund 6-30 ammo.
Second Wind
Increase Hustle speed by 10-50% for 1.5 seconds after activation.


This deck is basically a better Bomb King. The way you play this deck is to sit back and pick damage from afar. You use grenades in this deck like Bomb King uses his bombs. For example, in the beginning of the game when the teams are fighting for the hill, you would pick a spot that is safe from too much damage but also close enough to hit with grenades. Shrapnel gives you that additional AoE and 200 more damage. That AoE is very useful as you are slinging grenades into the hill and the damage is obviously just great to have. The most important card in the entire deck is Grenadier. The whole point of Rank 5 Grenadier is to be able to spam grenades efficiently. The second most important card in the deck is Fire In The Hole. FITH is for when you are waiting for your grenade cooldown (which is rare because of Grenadier) and you need to spray down opponents. Because of these two cards, Viktor is constantly doing damage from afar which makes him so lethal. Onto the more "substitute" cards. Compensator is there because you should be using iron sights while in that sniper position, and you minus well reduce your recoil. Speed Load is there because you already want to have as much ammo as possible (FITH). Now Second Wind, I wish I could get a higher rank for but I feel like it is fine where it is. When you get caught in that sniper spot, you want to get away as fast as possible. Second Wind is for this.
