The Stealth Way of Skye

by Yimfor
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Smoke and Dagger
Smoke Screen now deals 600 damage when it deploys.
Smoke Screen
Quick Smoker
Reduce the cooldown of Smoke Screen by 1-5s.
Smoke Screen
Gain 10-50% Movement Speed for 3s when entering Smoke Screen.
Smoke Screen
Hidden lasts 1-5s longer.
Emergency Exit
You automatically enter Stealth when you drop below 30% Health. This effect can happen once every 25-5s.
Victory Rush
Gain 10-50% Movement Speed for 8s after getting an elimination.


Unlike others Flankers, Skye doesn't have the mobility to go in and out of a fight, making her very predictable in some maps. But, you don't play Skye because of how quick she can go to the other side of the map or soar in the air shooting down for kills. You play her to what she does best: annoy the enemy team and make them lose focus of the objective. She is the only champion in the game to have Stealth in all of her active abilities (not counting "Poison Bolts") set and, like many other characters from others games that use Stealth, she needs to exploit it.

This is the deck I am using at the moment and it's doing great for me. The way I play Skye is like this:
1-See where the enemy team are and look out for an alone champion (or the healer if I can kill him fast) to focus.
2-I start the fight with him and move according to what will happen:
>a: If I'm winning, I chase him down and go for the kill.
>b: If I'm losing, I go away and wait for a next chance.
3-Go to the back-line and exploit the extended Stealth.

With that in mind, let's look the card explanation:

Smoke and Dagger
600 free damage each time you use your Smoke Screen. This can be very good if the enemy team is squishy since it increases your burst. This is a good option since you are very close to the enemy to deal more damage and use it to either escape or to win.

Quick Smoker
-5s to your Smoke Screen, making it a 7s CD skill and make possible what I call the extended Stealth.

Like I said, Skye doesn't have the mobility to move around the map quickly, so this is your getaway or chase option. 40% mov speed is no joke. She becomes a Meave on Prowl for 3s and when it's over the skill only has 4s left of CD.

Emergency Exit
As the name says, you may go too deep and be in trouble. If that happens, you became Stealth for around 4s and can get out without any more troubles.
Observation: This is a bit buggy at the moment. When you enter the Stealth while attacking, the Stealth will not fade away at the spot and you will be able to attack them while they will not be able to see you.

+2s for your Hidden. It may allow you to escape to a safe area and recover health with more chances than not taking.

Victory Rush
A filler card to be honest but it's handy to have more movement speed for a while.

Now that we talked about the cards, let me tell you dear readers that reached here after reading all of this or you smartasses who just scroll down the thingy and didn't bother to read what I wrote in 30 minutes, it's time to explain a little trick I discovered playing Skye for a while: the extended Stealth. This allows Skye to be the super annoying champ she was made to be. It goes like this:

1-Start with the Smoke Screen and be Stealth.
2-When it's about to end, use Hidden. After a time playing with her, you will know to time it right.
3-The moment Hidden ends, use Smoke Screen and go back in Stealth.

Very simple, right? Welp, congrats! You just earned a 15s being Stealth and 6s with 40% movement speed bonus. This little trick allowed me to go near many champs and just melt them before they knew what happened, but be wary when using this, since your closest Stealth will be in 4s and that is a huge time gap for champs to find and kill you. This is not only good for this build but others as well, especially the ones focused on the Smoke and Dagger burst (altho I like to have more ways of escaping or chasing the enemy team then to go in and prey nothing bad happens.)

That's all Folks! Have fun playing Skye and I hope to have helped :]
