This deck is not made to win matches. it exists simply because I think movement mechanics are cool, and this one, in particular, is really goofy.
The goal with this deck, is to not tank for your team. you only really use this deck if you have 2-3 tanks already, and you need some sort of flank (which, by the way, barely happens.) so what is its point? simple. you use walls to shoot yourself up into the air, also walling off enemies, and then you go for picks while they are divided and disorientated by your wall placements. you are not playing this with the entintion to protect your team in a traditional way, rather by cutting off the enemy team from eachother and by slowly whittling each one down at a time. it is a very weird consept, to me even, and it is hard to really do well with this kit.
but it dont mean it aint funny