Totem Reset Heals

by Anonymous
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Totemic Ward
Allies healed by Healing Totem receive CC Immunity for 2s and Healing Totem heals for 40% more.
Healing Totem
Ghost Walk lowers the cooldown of Healing Totem by 1-5s when Activated.
Ghost Walk
Healing Rain
Allies inside your Healing Totem are healed for 1-5% of their maximum Health per second.
Healing Totem
Increase the Duration of Healing Totem by 0.6-3s.
Healing Totem
Monolith Totem
Increase the Health of Healing Totem by 250-1250.
Healing Totem
Reduces the cooldown of Ghost Walk by 0.6-3s.
Ghost Walk


This deck uses Grohks "Ghost Walk" as a reset ability for Healing Totem, a main staple of Ghrok's kit. The reason we go for "Gale V" is 5 seconds off his primary healing ability allows you nearly always have a healing totem up when required, not just that, using ghost walk permits you to heal via your totem while being invuln as well meaning you do not need to leave the mid fight.

Key purchases:
Chronos - after all we are running a CD reset deck after all.
Life Rip/Heal On Kill - Ghrok is good for cleaning up weak opponents so could benefit from heal on kill, however life rip works well when the enemy may be running flankers and you find yourself in 1vs1 as we dont want to be using healing totem for ourselves unless direly needed
