Undying 10-12k shield + dps and healing Ash

by Angeleur
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Fortress Breaker
Increase Siege Shield's maximum Health by 2500 and its size by 50%, but reduce its Movement Speed by 80%.
Siege Shield
Gain 10-50% Lifesteal.
Reduce the Cooldown of Siege Shield by 0.8-4s.
Siege Shield
Increase the duration of Siege Shield by 0.6-3s.
Siege Shield
War Machine
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 10-50% after getting an Elimination.
Generate 2-10 Ammo after activating Siege Shield.
Siege Shield


Quickly, about my main tank:
- awesome survivability + healing
- good protection depending of the talent
- 3 really different playstyle depending on the talent
- dives really well to finish foes
- awesome, one of the best ults in the game which you will have a lot (motivation is the way to go, with reju) that stuns (best form of CC) multiple people and gives you invincibility...
- make ennemies buy an otherwise useless item because you can make them fly every 4s

You can replace the 4 points In Remparts to put it in 1000k more shield. You'll have, with the +45% item, a nearly 12k shield that the duration card make the ennemies forced to deal with.
Otherwise, invert the 4 points in rempart and 2 points in CD reduction on Elims if you feel condident (when only 1 ennemy tank for example).
Here, the investment over War Machine is just enough so that if you're being completely muted, you didnt wasted too many points. It helps with shield and primarly for the bash.

Even with her normal shot, this talent having been upgraded recently, she does tremondous damages. She can deal 400 damages to, let's say, 2 Ying Illusions AND Ying, destroy Barik AND his turret, catch people behind walls, shoot over khan/fernando's shield (with proper distance), apply caut' like hell (especially with normal shot)... And it's really hars to miss with her, that's why you'll do that much damage. Multi target-behind-the-wall or fast and long distance constant snipe...
She's so reliable and does it all.
You can cap with this talent and be (even if it's not where you shine) a point tank but i suggest you to flank as they will nearly always underestimate your power.

I'll just talk about Life Rip a bit.
She's one of the best, if not THE best, character to have life rip. Why?
Well, she does not deal a lot per shot, but her constant shooting while being covered by her shield heals... a lot.

In this build, life rip is even more awesome as you'll have a nearly constant 10k shield that the ennemies will be forced to deal with (DONT erase the +2s on the shield duration) or let you be covered while healing and be healed...

Not many tanks of character can completely protect tehmselves, forcing dmgs to run at you, and heal that much from life rip EVEN IN LATE GAME. That's the main point. Early game? What a freak healing fest. Late game? With proper shield positionning, still the case. And dishing constant Cauterize...

Anyway, I always begin my games taking 1 motivation and 1 rejuvanate, putting them at 2 (motivation first or 2nd depending on when you want your ult or if you have it) BUT, in this build, you will put 1 in each then max out +45% shield asap. You will have a 10k shield or 12k shield (if you replace Ramparts by +1000 shield card)...
She doesnt need it that much as nearly any CC will stop you from your Battering Ram (hi Grover, Sha, Torvald etc) wich resi, wont help...
I would prefer to go as i said, full +% shield and chronos after 1 tier of Motivation and Reju.

Anyway, that's all as i already used a lot of time. Be aggressive, know when and IF you can then go back to your team, use ult to get on highground, bash/throw them out of payload and "C9" in 1 over 4 payload-stand...
And have fun, primarly!

Quick tip: use her ult in a surprising and effective manner when there is a roof or something over your head. You won't jump for a fool second and will surprise CC, letting your team and yourself kill everything.
